Norah Speaks

What is Cultural Sensitivity in SLP?

HAPPY BETTER SPEECH AND HEARING MONTH! This post is part of a month-long series of posts related to cultural sensitivity and SLP. First, let’s dive in to what cultural sensitivity in SLP actually is.

The term used by ASHA and many other organizations is “cultural competence”. However, over time I have transitioned to using “cultural sensitivity” as I believe it more accurately represents the ongoing journey of cultural education as well as the recognition of the differences of cultures and how they can be applied to clinical practice. Cultural Humility is another beneficial term to use that I will be addressing as part of the Better Speech and Hearing Month 2021 Series. 

Cultural competence is often defined as the combination of awareness and sensitivity, but the language of cultural competence to me implies that one day you will be totally versed in all cultures and cultural differences, but this is a lifelong and never-ending process, especially because of individual differences in a culture as well as intersectionality.

Below is a graphic that outlines different levels of cultural education. Language is different for everyone, so choose what term you align the most with whether its sensitivity, competency or humility. 

cultural sensitivity and SLP

ASHA's Resource on Cultural Competency

ASHA defines cultural competence as: “understanding and appropriately responding to the unique combination of cultural variables and the full range of dimensions of diversity that the professional and client/patient/family bring to interactions.”

What’s good about this definition is it does allude to individual cultural differences and intersectionality as well as the whole range of cultures that we serve, not just linguistic diversity, which may be a person’s first thought when it comes to cultural competence and SLP. The iceberg above shows a variety of cultures and concepts that are different across cultures, many of which I will cover this month. ASHA also takes the time to acknowledge that cultural competence is a lifelong, dynamic and complex process. Here are some of the components they outline as part of said process: 

  • self assessment
  • understanding of your culture
  • learning of other cultures by interacting with individuals from different cultures



Clinical Practice and Cultural Sensitivity

So what parts of clinical practice do we apply culturally sensitivity to, and how? Well the short answer is, all parts of our practice can and should involve cultural sensitivity. As with all patients, certain therapy methods, assessment tools and counseling styles are not appropriate for every patient, and culture can play a factor in whether a tool is appropriate or not.

A first step to cultural sensitivity with patients comes within yourself. What internal biases and beliefs do you have that could impact your service delivery? We all have them. For example, Many people in the LBGTQIA+ community share that they feel being LBGT is viewed as part of their health problem. Whether they are coming for services related to that (e.g. transgender voice) or not, every person in this community has different priorities in therapy and it is important to find out what is the reason they are coming for SLP services. To learn more about LBGTQIA+ language, check out the my LGBTQIA+ dictionary.

It can be overwhelming to try and address every area of your practice to be more culturally sensitive. So to start, I want you to look within yourself. Throughout this month, we will be going on a journey together to set cultural sensitivity goals in your SLP practice. 

Start Your Cultural Sensitivity in SLP Journey

Whether you are just starting to learn about cultural sensitivity in SLP, or have been working on it for a while, I want to challenge you.

Take the “Project Implicit” Implicit Association Test. 

I’m going to be taking it too, and sharing my results on social media. 

Once you take it, share it to your Instagram story and tag @norah_speaks_slp! You’ll be entered to win a free product from the SLP Survival Shop. 

You can also check out more posts I’ve written like: 

Come back tomorrow to learn more about cultural sensitivity as an SLP. For more cultural sensitivity tips, make sure to subscribe to my SLP Survival Newsletter! 

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