Norah Speaks


bisexual flag

Bisexuality is a sexual identity based on a person’s attraction to people of their gender and other gender identities. It can be more than just two genders. It isn’t always an equal attraction. Some use this as a way to dismiss bisexuality. Bi erasure is a real thing, and allies need to advocate for the recognition of this identity.

So with the bisexual flag, the pink color represents sexual attraction to the same sex only (gay and lesbian). The blue represents sexual attraction to the opposite sex only (straight). The resultant overlap color purple represents sexual attraction to both sexes (bi).

For more information, visit The Bisexual Resource Center which has great information for people that identify as bisexual and allies. Additionally, follow @bisexuals_speak, an Instagram account run by a friend of mine.

Finally, check out my resource hub for more websites for the LBGTQIA+ community and allies.

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